Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Guns, NRA, Congress, & Morons

Big News

The U.S. House moved Wednesday to fix flaws in the national gun background check system that allows morons to buy guns. Even the NRA supports the bill, despite the fact morons sometimes have lots of money to spend on guns, many being related to Republicans.
- Yes, some morons are related to Democrats -- but they can only afford slingshots.
- Who knows? If we can stop morons from buying guns, some day maybe we can stop selling them to terrorists.

What's all this crap about "The Sopranos?" Folks, only 9-million people watched that show. That means the other 291 million of us had something better to do.
- You get the idea the TV critics are joining the politicians in not having a clue anymore about real life. Come on, guys, get out here and talk to people!
- What is "The Sopranos" anyway? One of those reality shows that keeps going until they vote off another fat lady?

Anybody hear anything today about the astronauts? We're so caught up with Paris Hilton and some dumb TV show that didn't end like the TV critics wanted, we forgot the astronauts!
- They landed yesterday and nobody was there! They had to carry their own bags!

This just in. Congress today voted to take enough money from the U.S. border security budget to build a 20-foot wall around Paris Hilton.
- A mobile wall -- one that goes wherever she goes.
- Some say it's welfare -- others say it's homeland security.

Love & Learn

Daddies and Slippery Socks - There is just something about a daddy. Men simply produce a different kind of energy.

A Father Named Volney - He was a child of poverty, heading a family at age 11 in Eclectic, Alabama, after his father died of a heart attack. He had no middle name. "Couldn't afford one," he always said, grinning as he said it. He grinned a lot.

The Skim Milk Cow - New Zealand scientists have discovered that some cows have genes that give them a natural ability to produce skim milk. Can chocolate milk be far behind?

A Father's Day Prayer - Holy Father, You are the one who knows how absolutely special fathers are. You made them that way.

Father's Day Fun - Father's Day is not such a big deal simply because, even when a man becomes a father, somewhere there's a woman doing all the work.

Shallow Thoughts

Spring fever slows everything down. Fast things slow down; slow things stop; FEMA goes backwards...

If you are what you eat, guys at the beach must eat a lot of Jelly Bellies.

This week two seasons come to an end -- the NBA season and the Texas Rangers season.

The worst part of swimming in a lake is when you go home smelling like your dog.

When baseball players are trying to rally, they turn their caps upside-down. When hockey players rally, they swap teeth.

Monday, June 11, 2007

A Couple of Goats Too Many

Big News

A federal appeals court ruled Monday the Bush administration cannot use new anti-terrorism laws to keep U.S. residents locked up indefinitely without charging them. Unfortunately, with the Bush administration, it's really easy to get U.S. residents mixed up with whoever needs mixing up.
- The Bush administration is about as mixed up as its gets.

Rumor is Bob Barker may run for Congress. He has the name and the personality, he has 50 years experience at giving stuff away, and he has a long-depressed yearning to spay or neuter everybody in Washington.
- They say he could run if the price is right.

At last report, Paris Hilton was still in jail. She's getting worldwide publicity. The CIA leaked word today Osama bin Laden has offered three camels and 24 goats for her.
- Personally, I think that might be a couple goats too many.

Paris Hilton sent a message to the world today. She said, "Jail is NOT hot!"
- The worst thing is not knowing what's going on in the world. "Like," says Paris, "I truly miss the news on YouTube."

A new government study shows that kids' favorite vegetables are carrots, tomatoes, and green Gummy Bears.

Flea infestations are expected to be serious this year in two places -- in the South and on Howard Stern.

Love & Learn

Silence and Violence - Dad might beat Mom. Mom might pull a knife on a boyfriend. Mom and Dad or Mom and boyfriend might argue all the time. Or, simply, Mom could have a black eye when the kids wake up in the morning.

Duplicate Articles? Be Careful - So, is it wise to submit your articles to 25 directories, where they will be picked up and published on hundreds of Web sites? It could be very good promotion, but can you be penalized by the search engines?

Penguins Are Exploding! - Are penguins trying to take over the world or just pop culture? They are taking no prisoners, if only because their lack of opposable thumbs makes it difficult to manipulate a Taser.

Today's Soap Opera Update.

Today on "All My Childishness," Desiree writes the gas company to see if she can have a guy come by twice a week to read her meter, and the prenuptial agreement that Lance wrote on the back of a Hooters menu may not hold up in court.

Shallow Thoughts

I wish I had a remote-control for life. I'd sure put a lot of people on mute!