Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Yea, It's Over!

John McCain is really happy today. The campaign is over and he doesn't have to smile constantly and act happy all the time. That's hard for a guy McCain's age. Now he can be as grumpy as he wants -- which is more natural for a guy who's 72 and a member of the GOP -- the Grumpy Old Party.
.....For the next four years, Republicans can just be themselves.

Hey, if somebody's got to lose, it's better for the guys who can afford it...... Isn't that right, Mr. Limbaugh?

I was worried Obama might not make it, especially after somebody broke into his campaign headquarters and let the air out of his speeches.

Barrack Obama, a lowly community organizer, organized hundreds of communities to help him raise hundreds of millions of dollars. Now, millions of Republicans are encouraging their kids and grandkids to become community organizers.

Congratulations to President-elect Barrack Obama -- and congratulations to America -- for making a decision with no need for recounts or lawsuits.....And now, may everyone relax and enjoy the end of the political campaign. And everyone at Fox News, go ahead, take off until the inauguration.

It's just so great to see the campaign end so we can get down to the real business of making fun of a new president.

So many voters were deciding on state issues like abortion and same-sex marriage. Do you realize, with a same sex marriage, there can be no abortion? I didn't hear anybody using that argument.


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