Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Vampires Applaud "300"

Big News

The number one movie at the box office this weekend was "300," called by many as the most disgusting move ever made.
- The sequel, "600," will be our in April.
- If they can find 600 gallons of fake blood that quickly.

More Big News every day at Laughs Today, the Internet's #1 topical comedy site.

Love & Learn

Teen Stress and Acne - A recent study shows signs of stress might be as plain as the blemishes on a teenager's face.

Home How-To - Removing Popcorn Texture .. Fiberglass Screen Replacement .. Condensation ..

A Greener View - Spring Gardening Tips .. Choosing quality garden catalog companies .. Pruning during dormant season won't hurt trees ..

Martha Stewart's Empire, Touch, Style, Kitchen - Martha's empire spreads all the way to inland California.

Failing the Troops at Home - Not since the Abu Ghraib debacle has the U.S. military suffered a bigger embarrassment than the service breakdowns at its top health care facility.

The Simple Truth - Here are indisputable natural laws proven through years of everyday trial and error stress.

Inside People - Losing weight is made easier by adopting a healthy lifestyle. And here are some helpful ideas on how to do it.

Shallow Thoughts

There are two types of drivers: Those who speed and those who get run over.

I get so depressed trying to exercise it takes four Snicker bars to cheer me up.

Today's incredibly intriguing amazing but true accurate correct fact:

Did you know there are 6,500 windows in the Empire State Building, and that's enough to keep a Peeping Tom busy for 18 years?
- And remember to forget where you read it.


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