Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Lions and Tigers and Liberals, Oh My!

Big News

Republicans and Democrats alike sternly warned the FBI on Tuesday that it risks losing its broad power to collect telephone, e-mail and financial records to hunt terrorists because of rampant abuses of the authority. In a related story, the FBI began investigating 535 members of Congress.
- And their relatives.

More Big News every day at Laughs Today, the Internet's #1 topical comedy site.

Love & Learn

Resurrection Presents Dilemma - Non-Christian religions' reverence and appreciation of Jesus usually stops at the threshold of the empty tomb or takes an alternate route. Yet the Resurrection, which will be celebrated by most Christians on Sunday, April 8, is still a topic that is addressed by most religions.

Happiness - We convince ourselves life will be better when we finally get what we thought we wanted. Then, we want something else.

No Need to Expand Hate Crimes Law - There is a movement in Congress to expand the federal government's law against hate crimes. But hate crime laws are a bad idea and should be repealed, not expanded.

Holy Week Chonology - There's a possibility that Good Friday should actually be Good Thursday - or maybe even Good Wednesday. And there's a probability that Easter Sunday should be considered Easter Saturday Evening.

Today's Music - Since there is so much confusion over genres, here's how to understand, identify, and clarify today's music. Unfortunately, you'll have to look up "genre" yourself.
To Be Equal - Americans need greater control over their homeownership dreams.

Travel and Adventure - The allure of Alabama's snowy sand coast is no fish story.

Shallow Thoughts

I saw the first robin of spring. He was chirping in Spanish.

The longest relationship I've ever had is with MasterCard.

It may be a wet spring. I just saw a squirrel wearing a snorkel.

I want you to know I do enjoy reading your comments. But I wish you would stop giving me your honest opinion.


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