Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Love the Children Day

Big News

Andrew Card says he wants to return to "private life"... but to be any more private and secretive than he was in the White House, he'd have to move to Guantanamo Bay. (Jake Novak)

Wonderful Wednesday

Wednesday is Love the Children Day in Texas, a day to recognize every child’s right to be loved, enacted by the Texas Legislature in 2002.
- What could be easier than loving a child? Even us Texans can do that.

On March 29 in 1936 Adolph Hitler got 98.7% of the German vote. Which, of course, he took as a mandate to go insane.

On March 29 in 1867 the British Parliament created the Dominion of Canada. This meant Canada was completely independent, and free to make its own mistakes.
- But for Canada, independence had little meaning until 1949, when it was finally recognized by the Newfys.
- Today, Canada is a world leader with its own queen -- Celine Dion.
- I just said that to start a fight.
- English-speaking Canada still bows down to Anne Murray.

Niagara Falls stopped falling on March 29 in 1848. An ice jam blocked the river above the falls for 30 hours, leaving scores of honeymoon couples with nothing to do.

Love & Learn

More Vets Practicing Holistic Healing - As with human medicine, an increasing number of vets who practice holistic healing based on ancient Chinese methods are finding their profession is far more open-minded than even a few years ago.

TV Closeup: Edie Falco - If you think Carmela Soprano - the long-suffering but intrepid wife of a ruthless Mafia don on "The Sopranos" - is tough, try her alter ego, Edie Falco.

Thoughts While Protesting

People get upset about Mexicans coming into this country and taking our jobs. I think I've figured out why this is happening -- they're willing to work.

I went to Mexico once. Spent three days in a border town called Nuevo Kaopectate.


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