Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Nationwide PreNup Insurance

Big News

The Justice Department, easing a Bush administration policy, said Wednesday it will look to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to monitor the government's controversial domestic spying program. Uh-oh. Folks, this is a serious deviation from staying the course. Before you know it we could take back the invasion of Iraq.
- Hey, you've got to learn from your mistakes, right?
- Maybe we could release all those guys at Guantanamo and give 'em a life-time supply of government cheese.

Nearly 290,000 homes and businesses in the Midwest were still without electricity Wednesday because of the ice, snow, and high wind that battered the area. But look on the bright side. Aren't you glad it never gets that cold in Florida? Can you imagine the noise with all those alligators' teeth chattering?
- It was a three-dog night in Oklahoma. Unfortunately, most folks without power only had one dog and a gerbil.

Kevin Federline will star in TV commercial for Nationwide Insurance during the Super Bowl. In an effort to get Britney back, he'll use the money to buy her some underwear.

Love & Learn

Heroin's Hold, Part 1: An Addict Wants Her Life Back:- After two years of drifting along on a waiting list, she was just one week away from beginning methadone treatment and saying goodbye to heroin.

Heroin's Hold, Part 2: Users Seek Relief from Drug's Lethal Grip - White Oaks' detox unit will continue to offer help, and hope, to those suffering from every type of drug addiction. It houses 85 to 90 clients a month for average stays of three to five days.

The Simple Difference - "The Good Life" is not defined by possessions, but by pure and utter enjoyment of simplicity.

Today's Lifestyle: Party Fumbles - Avoid these 10 missteps when hosting a Super Bowl party.

Travel: New Mexico - The oldest continuously inhabited community in North America: Sky City Pueblo of Acoma.

How to Cure the Common Cold or Whatever - More illegal tips in our continuing malpractice series.

Shallow Thoughts

I don't mind violent movies, but I hate it when they sell popcorn in body bags

Most doctors have tropical fish in their waiting rooms. My doctor has tropical clams.

Warning! This blog does not cause drowsiness, so it's perfectly okay to operate heavy machinery while reading and pregnant.


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