Thursday, April 06, 2006

America's Pet Goat

Big News

Scooter Libby has told prosecutors that President Bush authorized a leak of sensitive intelligence information about Iraq. The White House says the President will not respond to the charge until he finishes reading "My Pet Goat" again.
- Which could take several days.
- Ironically, Bush has turned out to be our pet goat.
- Just like Clinton, Reagan, Carter, and What's His Name.

Funtastic Friday

Friday is No Housework Day. No trash, no dishes, no bed-making, no laundry. In other words, a day like any other day at our house.
- Remember the first rule of housework: Never discuss it outside the presence of a licensed marriage counselor.

America's first camel race was held in Sacramento to raise money for the poor on April 7 in 1864. The poor also got a free dinner -- chicken-fried hump.
- They say camels make pretty good food for the poor. In fact, after just one camel burger you don't have to drink anything for three weeks.

Speaking of chloroform, Queen Victoria was given some during the birth of her eighth child on April 7 in 1853. Before that, it was a sin to ease the pain of childbirth. And in those days only men were allowed to sin.

Will Kellogg was born in Battle Creek, Michigan, on April 7 in 1860. Will's brother John invented cornflakes to feed patients at his sanitarium, and Will just knew he could sell Kellogg's Cornflakes to every kid in America. Which he did after he frosted them with sugar. The hardest part was teaching the tiger to say they were "Grrrrrrrreat!"

Love & Learn

Fighting Home Allergies - Your home is your castle, your refuge ... your allergy and irritant headquarters. There are unseen, uninvited guests you must wage war against in order to perpetuate a healthy lifestyle.

Holistic Healing - Some doctors are abandoning traditional Western medicine for homeopathic techniques.

The Patent Inside - Something weird happened last summer at Patriot Scientific Corporation. For the first time in 15 years, Sh-Boom! -- the company made money.

Thoughts While Perusing the Computer Ads

With all the mail-in rebates and instant savings and cash-backs, nobody has known the real price of a computer since 1989.

Today's blog is brought to you by Spam Roll-On, the antiperspirant that stops wetness by clogging up your pores. Dermatologist-tested, four out of five dermatologists smelled okay.


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