Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Brigham & Clark: Two Super Men

Big News

Roger Clemens is coming out of retirement again, agreeing to a $22 million contract to pitch for the Houston Astros for the rest of 2006. This means Clemens will earn the average American annual wage every time he scratches himself.
- Actually, he's not doing it for the money. He needs the health insurance.

Joyous June

June is Dairy Month, a time to salute cows. But only dairy cows. If you walk up and salute a beef cow, people will think you're weird.
- Obviously, the dairy industry is bullish on cows.

June is Fight the Filthy Fly Month. One filthy fly is more dangerous than a clean hippopotamus. Which is probably why so seldom see anyone swatting a hippopotamus.

Both Brigham Young and Superman were born on June 1st: Young in Vermont in 1801, Superman in Action Comics in 1938. Brigham had 27 wives -- he was more of a super man than Superman.
- Brigham was a great religious leader, but with 27 wives he was best known as the guy with the tin cans tied to the rear of his donkey.
- Brigham was the first man to get a fleet discount on marriage licenses.

Superman was born on June 1st in 1938. So was Clark Kent. They were born in the first issue of Action Comics. But don't worry about them just because they're getting older. Since they're both Canadian, they have a good healthcare plan.

Love & Learn

Giving Peace a Chance - They have reasons to hate each other. Nader Elbanna, a Palestinian, lost his homeland, then his best friend to the Israelis. Miko Peled, an Israeli, lost his niece to a Palestinian suicide bomber in Jerusalem.

Unlikely Heroes on the Biggest Stages - This is a time of year, with the NBA and NHL playoffs in high gear, when role players and unlikely heroes can make pivotal contributions to championship efforts. So here is our list of 10 of the most unlikely heroes, athletes who have come from out of nowhere to make their marks in the world of sports.

The Alert Consumer - Homeowners feel the pinch of adjustable rate loans.

Et al.

I was planning to bring you the long-range weather forecast -- but my woolly worm got away.


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