Sunday, May 21, 2006

How About Maximum Smart?

Big News

Iraq's new prime minister promised Sunday to use "maximum violence" to end the brutal violence wracking his country. And if that makes sense to you, your compassionate conservatism may be leaking.
- Is threatening to kill a suicide bomber effective reasoning?
- In other words, he's talking tough, not smart, so democracy must be taking hold
- By the way, who is this guy and where did he get his MBA?

May 22nd in Fun History

The first canned rattlesnake meat was sold in Arcadia, Florida, on May 22nd in 1931. I've never tried rattlesnake meat, but they say if you fry it in Crisco it tastes just like chickensnake meat.
- My wife would probably grind it up and make a snakeloaf.

Opera composer Richard Wagner was born in Germany on May 22nd in 1813. Opera is okay I guess -- except for all that singing.
- I go to an opera now and then -- just to see how the other half sleeps.

Pickle Week Fun

Scott Case set a world record in Los Angeles on May 22nd in 1974 by stuffing 110 cigarettes into his mouth, lighting all 110, and smoking them for 30 seconds. Then he turned green, coughed twice, and killed an oak tree with his breath.

The infamous Reno Gang pulled "The Great Train Robbery" at Marshfield, Indiana, on May 22nd in 1868. They not only escaped with $98,000 in cash, they made their getaway in the locomotive. They were lucky. Even in those days, a locomotive was pretty easy to track.

Love & Learn

EUREKA! - Discoveries for the scientifically bent. But fun for everyone. New every week.

Duct Tape, Super Glue & WD40: Workbench Solutions to Life's:Little Dilemmas - Duct tape and Super Glue are the workhorses of household repair, right? But is that all? Or is there something about these products that brings out the inventor in us? Herewith, a random compendium of uses that may not have occurred to you. Duct tape for medicinal use? Yessirree.

TV Closeup: Alyson Hannigan - A 32-year-old perky brunette, Alyson Hannigan plays a smart, opinionated, kindergarten teacher in the TV comedy series “How I Met Your Mother.”

Shallow Thoughts:

Parenting's not easy. To set a proper example, you constantly find yourself eating stuff you can't stand.

You know you're getting old when you go back to your class reunion, and they serve prune punch.


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