Thursday, December 22, 2005

Good Tidings and Great Fudge!

Big News

The good news is that New York transit workers are now going back to work. The bad news is, now everybody in New York has to go back to work too.
- Most New Yorkers were hoping the strike would last until after New Year's.
- At least now the nation can indulge in its favorite New Year's Eve pastime -- watching New Yorkers in Times Square shiver on TV.

The trial of Saddam Hussein adjourned Thursday until January 24, with officials declaring they saw no evidence Saddam was tortured. Of course, the world saw photos of Saddam in his underwear, but that only tortured the world.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner threatened Thursday to block passage of legislation renewing the Patriot Act. President Bush could care less -- since he'll do whatever he wants anyway.
- For you Democrats, that's called "staying the course."

I'm happy to announce we have collected seven dollars for the George W. Bush Think Tank.
- That should be plenty.

Okay, okay, I know that's too many Bush jokes. But they're so easy!

Fabtabulous Friday

Friday is National Pfeffernuesse Day, a day to make those spicy cookies that are a Christmas tradition in Europe. Don't forget to add the Puderzucker.

Friday is Christmas Eve-Eve, your last chance before Christmas to have a nervous breakdown. On Christmas Eve you'll be too busy.

It's a great day to assemble anything that has to be assembled by Christmas morning. That way, you'll still have Saturday to find that very vital, totally unique plastic Malaysian screw that always rolls under something and completely vanishes.

On January 23rd in 1888 artist Vincent Van Gogh cut off his left ear and mailed it to a girlfriend he wanted to impress. But it didn’t work. She had no stomach for ears.
- If it had worked, attractive women would be up to their ears in ears.

Love & Learn

Was God Cold? - Did you ever wonder ... was Jesus cold in that stable in Bethlehem?

Thoughts While Humming "Little Drummer Boy"

You know you've got the true Christmas Spirit when you can imagine meeting Saddam Hussein under the mistletoe, without thinking, "Yuck!"

I dreamed I saw a child at the mall, climbing onto Jesus' lap. And the oddest thing happened -- the child didn't ask for anything.
- And the photo was free.

Merry Christmas, everybody! Good tidings and great fudge!
- And, hey, try not to eat yourself into a coma.


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