Thursday, September 21, 2006

Parting Is Such Sweaty Sorrow

Big News

President Bush's approval rating jumped another point this week after Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called him the devil. Republicans immediately came up with a long list of other names for world leaders to call the President.

Wal-Mart plans to begin selling nearly 300 generic prescription drugs for a sharply reduced price, many as low as $4 a month. The program will be launched Friday at 65 stores in the Tampa Bay area. Canadians are already flying in to get in line.

September 22 Now & Then

Today is the last day of summer. So what the hey, get on out there in this wonderful world of ours and shoot something.
- Enjoy yourself. Take time to stop and smell the fish.
- Goodbye, summer. Parting is such sweaty sorrow.

In the Northern Hemisphere autumn begins tomorrow morning at three minutes past midnight (EDT), and spring begins in the Southern Hemisphere. It's like the leaves fall off the trees up north so they can grow on the trees down south.
- And every day somewhere in the world, it's time to start Christmas shopping.

Two women were hanged for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts, on this day in 1692. The colonists had intended to hang three women, but one of them got away on her broom.

The Greeks defeated the Persians at Mycale on this date in 479 B.C. Back then, on every day in history, somebody defeated somebody. In the sports section, where we have the baseball standings, they had the war standings.
- Greece was in first place by three wars.

Love & Learn

Nature Newswatch - Find another of God's fascinating creatures or plants each week. Great things to look for on family picnics, field trips and outings.

A Greener View - Insects are making pests of themselves.

WellNews - A different take on fitness and health news: fun quickies that are actually interesting. A weekly roundup of the latest.

Today's medical tip:

Remember, every real rubber plant in your doctor's office will cost you an extra $20 per visit.

Shallow Thoughts

I could tell there was a hint of autumn in the air when the neighbor kid's football smashed me in the face.

Mooses on today's blog were styled with Loose Mousse, the totally new and different alcohol styling moose mousse that leaves your moose loose as a goose.


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