Tuesday, September 19, 2006

T.M.X. Elmo Reads This Blog

Big News

Thailand's army commander staged a coup Tuesday and ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra while he was in New York. Reportedly, Democrats are offering President Bush a free trip to anywhere just to see what might happen here.

Fisher-Price Tuesday took the wraps off T.M.X. Elmo. He's still red, fuzzy and really ticklish, but now Elmo's laughing fits have him slapping his knee, falling to the floor, rolling over and pounding his arm. It's like he just heard Paris Hilton's album.

September 20th Now & Then

This is National Farm Safety Week and National Laundry Week. So be especially careful washing your pigs and chickens.
- I'd recommend the gentle cycle.

For more farm foolishness, click Farm Safety Fun Liners]

The Equal Rights Party was founded in San Francisco on this date in 1884, nominating attorney Belva Lockwood, the first woman candidate for president. In the election she came in last, so in 1888 Belva chose a male running mate, but she still came in last.
- So Ms. Lockwood retired from politics, predicting that a woman probably wouldn't be elected president until at least 1910.
- Hey, she was right.

Chester A. Arthur became President of the U.S. on this day in 1881. Chester was the first president to hold a garage sale at the White House. He sold 25 wagon-loads of furniture and made $8,000. Unfortunately, that's the only exciting thing Chester ever did.

One of the inventors of jazz was born in New Orleans on this day in 1885. Jelly Roll Morton and the Red Hot Peppers played their "King Porter Stomp" and "Jelly Roll Blues" all over America in the late 1920s. Unfortunately, Jelly Roll wasn't smart enough to wear a dress or a Hindu tattoo or a ring through his nose, so he was never accepted by the masses.

Love & Learn

Make Potty Training More Like Child's Play - Being ready to use the potty can be an exciting yet challenging time in a child's life. It doesn't have to be stressful if parents know what to expect.

Editorial: Lobbying - A growth industry.

Lloyd Grove: Gossip - 'Fashion celebs a little worse for wear. Plus Fonda, Lohan.

Analysis: Geeks - Geeks of the world, untie - I mean, unite!

Today's horoscope

Gemini: This is the best day of the month to stand naked between two full-length mirrors and count your moles.

Shallow Thoughts

Facing up to reality is what you do when the cable goes out.

It's the Key Law of Life. You can only find the keys you're not looking for.


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