To Carol Burnette & Tarzan
Big News
Al Gore said Sunday he hasn't ruled out a second run for the White House. Tipper says if he doesn't lose some weight, he wouldn't be running so much as rolling.
- Besides, it's getting almost impossible to dance close.
September 11th Now & Then
Henry Hudson discovered the Hudson River on this date in 1609. What's so amazing is that millions of Native Americans had never discovered the Hudson River during all those centuries they were washing their buffaloes in it.
"The Carol Burnett Show" premiered on CBS-TV on this day in 1967. It was embarrassing for a while. Every week Tarzan kept showing up trying to get Carol to go swinging with him.
- Tarzan so wanted to try harmony yelling.
- Unfortunately, Carol was allergic to monkeys.
On this day in 1723 Dr. Daniel Turner became the first American physician to receive and honorary doctoral degree. An honorary doctor is not the same as a real doctor. An honorary doctor cannot collect a fee for dispensing incorrect medical advice -- a real doctor can.
Anthony Perkins died on this day in 1992. He was famous for his movie portrayal of Norman Bates, who dressed up like his mother and murdered people -- sort of a cross between Jack the Ripper and Dame Edna.
Love & Learn
Today's Kid Scene - Safety first: Children need helmets to avoid brain damage.
Baseball Changes - Baseball is boring. The players make too much money and have everything too easy. These proposed rule changes will make the game much more interesting.
Decor Score - Kids can live large in a small bedroom.
'Tween 12 and 20 - Substance abuse affects the sexes differently .. Guy is using you for sex .. Self-esteem plays a role in sexual activity .. Lung cancer is slow to develop .. Allowances help kids learn how to manage money .. Be very attentive to signs of suicide .. Show the world and don't elope .. Protest offensive films ..
Shallow Thoughts
Ohio State went through the Texas defense faster than a pay raise through Congress.
Remember, in a hurricane the average hairspray is just not that effective.
Angelina Jolie is coming out with an exercise video. It’s called "You'll Never Look As Good As I Do, No Matter How Hard You Exercise!"
Al Gore said Sunday he hasn't ruled out a second run for the White House. Tipper says if he doesn't lose some weight, he wouldn't be running so much as rolling.
- Besides, it's getting almost impossible to dance close.
September 11th Now & Then
Henry Hudson discovered the Hudson River on this date in 1609. What's so amazing is that millions of Native Americans had never discovered the Hudson River during all those centuries they were washing their buffaloes in it.
"The Carol Burnett Show" premiered on CBS-TV on this day in 1967. It was embarrassing for a while. Every week Tarzan kept showing up trying to get Carol to go swinging with him.
- Tarzan so wanted to try harmony yelling.
- Unfortunately, Carol was allergic to monkeys.
On this day in 1723 Dr. Daniel Turner became the first American physician to receive and honorary doctoral degree. An honorary doctor is not the same as a real doctor. An honorary doctor cannot collect a fee for dispensing incorrect medical advice -- a real doctor can.
Anthony Perkins died on this day in 1992. He was famous for his movie portrayal of Norman Bates, who dressed up like his mother and murdered people -- sort of a cross between Jack the Ripper and Dame Edna.
Love & Learn
Today's Kid Scene - Safety first: Children need helmets to avoid brain damage.
Baseball Changes - Baseball is boring. The players make too much money and have everything too easy. These proposed rule changes will make the game much more interesting.
Decor Score - Kids can live large in a small bedroom.
'Tween 12 and 20 - Substance abuse affects the sexes differently .. Guy is using you for sex .. Self-esteem plays a role in sexual activity .. Lung cancer is slow to develop .. Allowances help kids learn how to manage money .. Be very attentive to signs of suicide .. Show the world and don't elope .. Protest offensive films ..
Shallow Thoughts
Ohio State went through the Texas defense faster than a pay raise through Congress.
Remember, in a hurricane the average hairspray is just not that effective.
Angelina Jolie is coming out with an exercise video. It’s called "You'll Never Look As Good As I Do, No Matter How Hard You Exercise!"
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