Thursday, February 23, 2006

Okay, 1 - 2 - 3 ..... Bask!

Big News

The average income of American families declined by 2.3 percent in 2004 but their net worth rose. Does that make sense? Is that like saying Joe Sixpack died, but he's better off?
- Is the main objective of government reports to confuse us or is that just me?

Vice President Cheney is contending he has the power to declassify government secrets. The only thing he won't talk about are certain weapons, like a 28 gauge shotgun. (Jim Barach)

A homeless man who police say tried to take a sheep from the Little Rock Zoo has been arrested on numerous charges. Like hijacking a truck full of mint jelly.
- They need other charges because the sheep refuses to testify.
- Four out of five sheep say courts are baaaaaad!

Fabulous Friday

Friday is Basking Day, a day to get outdoors and bask. In inclement weather, bask indoors.

The Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous is underway in Whitehorse. That's the one with the big Hairy Legs Contest. Which may not sound all that exciting to you, but then, your brain may not be frozen.

U.S. Steel was founded on February 24th in 1901 when J.P. Morgan bought the Andrew Carnegie Steel Company for $250-million. The regular price was $278-million, but Morgan had a coupon for 10% off.

On February 24th in 1992, on the air, TV talk show host Geraldo Rivera had fat cells from his hip transplanted into his forehead, proving to all who watched that he was, indeed, a fat head.

Love & Learn

Manage Your Time Better - Ten time management tips offered by the experts.

Et al.

What this country really needs is a National Mental Health Plan for politicians.

It's true. No two frostbitten ears are exactly alike.

At home I like to put on one of my dad's old Joan Baez records once in a while just to see the hair stand up on the cat's back.


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