Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Is the Whole World in Junior High?

Big News

Saddam Hussein shouted Tuesday that he will not return "to an unjust court" when it convenes on Wednesday. Nobody know what that means, but just to safe he was placed under a stupidity watch.

Scientists said Tuesday SpongeBob SquarePants, Shrek and other characters kids love should promote only healthy food. Shrek agreed, but SpongeBob SquarePants immediately lawyered up.

Jennifer Aniston is suing a paparazzo, claiming he invaded her privacy by using a telephoto lens to photograph her topless inside her home. Some may say she should have closed her blinds, but her lawyers point out even then SuperPaparazzo could use their X-ray vision lenses.
- Of course, the profoundly deeper question is, why would anybody buy a magazine to see Jennifer's boobs anyway?
- Is the whole world back in junior high?

Wontastic Wednesday

Wednesday is Harry Chapin Day, marking the singer's birth December 7, 1942. His hits included "Taxi," "WOLD," and "Cat's In The Cradle." He received a special Congressional Gold Medal for his efforts to eliminate world hunger. He was killed in a traffic accident in 1981 on his way to a benefit.

Christmas lights are turned on simultaneously on Wednesday at all legislatures across Canada. With more lights, maybe the politicians can see what they're not doing.

Basketball's Larry Bird is 49 on Wednesday. Larry Joe was the greatest gawky-looking basketball player of all time. In fact, the gawkier Larry looked, the more likely his shot would go in. So it's very possible he looked gawky on purpose.

In Dallas on December 7 in 1961 Johnny Cash and June Carter appeared together in concert for the first time. They didn't marry, however, until 1968 when Johnny finally conquered a tranquilizer addiction. Then they got married in a fever hotter than a pepper sprout.

Love & Learn

Keeping Up with Yesterday - There is a time for careful planning, it's true. But there is also a time for quick and decisive action.

Today's horoscope

Capricorn: Congratulations! You may already have won an all-expense-paid appendix transplant in the AMA Clearinghouse Sweepstakes.

Thoughts While Shaving

Did you ever wonder if the guys getting physicals for the Swiss Army have to turn their heads and yodel?

I think it's going to be a rough winter. Yesterday I saw a flock of geese goosing each other south.

Weather like this makes you want to go curl up in the crock pot.


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