Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Award Winning Fat Observation

Big News

Record-breaking heat and oppressive humidity made people across the eastern half of the country miserable Wednesday. It was so hot columnist Anne Coulter was heard proposing incoherently to her computer that Mother Nature be added to the nation's terrorist watch list

It's so dry the main attraction at this year's county fair is female dust-wrestling

August 3rd

Methuselah the rattlesnake died in Hillsboro, Kansas, on August 3rd in 1989. Methuselah was 31, oldest rattlesnake in history. He was so old, at night he had to keep his fangs in a glass of water.

On August 3rd in 1492 Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain. And all across America millions of Native Americans set straight up in their teepees and whispered, "What was that?"
- Some people think Columbus discovered America; some people think Eric the Red discovered it. Most Indians don't think America was lost.

Maggie Kuhn, founder of the Gray Panthers, was born on August 3rd in 1905. The Gray Panthers gave political teeth to older people. And older people are interested in any kind of teeth they can get.

Rossini's opera "William Tell" with its famous overture premiered in Paris on in 1929. Rossini not only composed the opera all by himself, but he was the only one to arrange the music. Yes, friends, Rossini was the lone arranger.
- What I can't understand about the opera "William Tell" is how the conductor can keep from yelling, "Hi-yo, Silver!"

Love & Learn

Parent Care: Accident Prone Not Alone - A reader wrote to say that although her mother would greatly benefit from socializing at a senior community center, she refuses to leave the house because of incontinence issues. She's afraid of accidents.

Editorial: Medication Nation - America has become a nation of pill-poppers, a trend that only will increase as the population ages. In 2004, Americans spent $188.5 billion on prescription drugs and billions more on over-the-counter medicines, vitamins and supplements.

Lloyd Grove: Gossip - "JFK Jr.: The Unsold Story" told anew ... "Entourage" ... Jim Carrey .. Shark Attack.....

Tiger Shows His Human Side - Up to now, Woods has left little room for public spontaneity, his persona instead rooted in the supreme knowledge that the only person who can really beat Tiger Woods is Tiger Woods.

Today's Award Winning Fat Observation:

Some people get fat on top, some people get fat at the bottom, and some people get fat in the middle. I guess it's like they say, "The lard works in mysterious ways."


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